Listen to this “madlib” from Dr. Trump – also known as our President Trump — an avid promoter of the benefits of orange skin with practices in Washington DC and West Palm Beach, FL. I call it “Trumplibs”. George Orwell said that if you repeat a lie often enough,”the past is erased, the erasure is […]
Donald Chump always knows WHO to blame–and it is never himself.
It must be tiring being Donald Chump’s forefinger. You’re a stubby little guy, struggling to stay erect and straight and being blown around like a windsock. There’s plenty of places to point but really– really–WHO?–not you Don? What exactly is the point of whacking WHO right now other than yet another crass attempt at mass […]
COVID-20 Pandemic Will Reach Up To 41% of the U.S. Population, Predicted to Peak November 2nd, 2020
Dr. Faustus, Director of NIH announced today that a pandemic of lies and false statistics is now spreading exponentially across the United States. Throughout the Summer and heading into the Fall, it is predicted that the U.S. public will be overwhelmed by a flood of tweets, there will be shortage of verifiable facts, and a […]
Trump Announces Massive Expansion of “Bring Your Son-In-Law To Work” Program.
This week President Trump announced a massive expansion of the annual Bring Your Son-In-Law To-Work” Program. Jared Kushner will now annoy White House staff and the public every single day. “The great thing about Jared is that he really get’s it”, President Trump said, “he has massive understanding like I do and he sees things […]
The Shittery: A Lexicon of Modern Trumpspeak
(From Total Sh*t Donald Trump, available as a free ebook here) Donnie’s shit so permeates every aspect of our lives that he is turning America into a total shittery, a place so muddied by browns that even familiar shit can be unrecognizable. This Shittery will help you get your bearings in our Trump-centered world, providing […]
Orwell Predicts Trump Will ‘Rectify’ Midterm Results
Author Paul Orwell predicts that after losing the House in the midterm elections, Big Trump will—using the language of 1984—make a flurry of decrees to confuse opponents and implement his manifesto. “As we saw in 2016, when confronted with facts, Big Trump will simply deny them. Instead he will shirk his responsibilities, shift the blame, […]