SAD! Donald “Biff” Trump Is President
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It’s no secret that Back to the Future II bully Biff Tannen was inspired by none other than Donald Trump, but few could have predicted just how similar the lives and careers of these two men – one fictional and other other terrifyingly real would be.
Sad! Donald ‘Biff’ Trump is President compares the two men and catalogs the similarities between them. From the superficial details of height and hair, to the number of wives and treatment of women and their questionable business practices and political careers, this book suggests that America might have elected Donald “Biff Tannen” Trump with no way of going back in time.
Inside the Book
- Hundreds of phrases of Trumpspeak in a “sh*ttery” at the back of the book. “Trumpspeak” is POTUS’s version of Newspeak from namesake George Orwell’s book 1984.
- Reasons why many Americans think the President’s feces doesn’t stink. Not a matter of olfactory glands but a matter of mental avoidance, delusion and the collective suspension of disbelief.
- Advice to all Americans as to how to help evacuate Trump from the American body. A simple step remedy is described, which would make a timely and effective laxative for the U.S.
As Orwell points out, the general public is not as comfortable as Don is in the land of lying, litigation, exaggeration and misinformation, which gave Trump great advantage through the election but in November 2020 the electorate will have a chance to get toilet plungers out and give politicians their quadrennial cleaning at the ballot box.
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Available as Paperback and Kindle.