I’ve set up https://calldonaldtrump.com so users can call and interact with our crazy President (it’s free.) Give it a try. Talk to Donald and answer his mad questions. You might get a job in his MADministration or he might hang up on you or he might fire you. His words may make sense, they may be gibberish – just another manic Monday.
Invite your friends to interact and post your job results on Twitter. He’ll ask you strange and inappropriate questions but answer him correctly and he’ll offer you a Cabinet position. Coming soon is a Trump-administered Montreal Cognitive Assessment so you can see if you as smart as he is.
My namesake, George Orwell (1984, Animal Farm), wrote an essay in 1946 called “Why I Write.” Two of his four reasons were to tell the truth and to reflect his political beliefs. I am moved (slack-jawed) by the same reasons. We have an orange clown running and ruining the country. Anything we can do to show how stupid he is, the better off we all are.
Click calldonaldtrump.com and speak to The Donald now.
iPhone users, permissions and notes: Android must users click “allow” to enable their microphone for an interactive voice experience. Sorry, but Apple does not allow iPhones to use speech recognition in this way. This is a web-browser experience. There is a local 202 number to call for “Donald Trump” but this is to leave a voicemail only. The interactive experience is at calldonaldtrump.com. Note: this application is a parody and for entertainment purposes only.