It must be tiring being Donald Chump’s forefinger. You’re a stubby little guy, struggling to stay erect and straight and being blown around like a windsock. There’s plenty of places to point but really– really–WHO?–not you Don?
What exactly is the point of whacking WHO right now other than yet another crass attempt at mass distraction? This simply, is a childish tantrum, a fit of pique. What we need instead are steadfast, sure, calm leaders with fortitude and long-term vision to meet to the moment, not an angry orange child. The way to help WHO is to put more effort in, to put one’s shoulder to the boulder and push and push to move its leadership in the right direction, to double-down on our investment and try to correct its faults, not defund it. But pushing and pushing requires patience and long term effort, qualities that our petty President simply doesn’t have. No, this is a guy committed to today only, who half-chews and tries to get us to swallow, a guy who needs a tweet, high, an excalamation mark, an ejaculation right now–this very second. And so this tired old bull wanders around the china shop snorting and knocking over displays of crystal which are hard to make but easy to break.
In the book 1984, George Orwell wrote extensively about the use of propaganda and fall guys, so-called Enemies of the State (Emmanuel Goldstein) and how the government whipped up hatred and channeled it towards those enemies to abrogate itself of blame. Now the U.S. lives it every day. We have our own Big Brother – Big Trump – who whips up a daily two-minute hate session (in his case a two-hour hate session) from the James S. Brady Press Room. Today it is directed against WHO, tomorrow against Governor Cuomo or some other boogie man, later this week perhaps YOU and people like YOU. Anger are bile are what this man lives on and in turn he tries to feed it to us. If we swallow and digest his propaganda and we follow his clever misdirection, we too will come to hate the names he names and we will not see the true enemy–Chump himself.
Today’s wrong statistics can be popped down memory holes just as yesterdays friends, colleagues, wives can be dropped into and disposed of in the fire. That is why propaganda and newspeak are so important to Chump. The plain truth will sink him so he must lie hard and often and the repeat the best lies – the ones that stick – over and over again until those those lies eventually become the truth. Biggest inauguration crowd ever! I am your voice!! We have made the five-year plan!!! WHO is the enemy!!!! We love Big Brother!!!!!