A bumpy ride ahead but we’ll land on the runway without overshooting…just. On this very rough descent the cabin warnings will ding, breathing apparatuses will fall out of the overhead panel and a lot of people will get very nervous. But it will be OK. My Predictions: Biden will win. Trump will lose. Eventually. Trump […]
The Lunatic Has Taken Over The Asylum!
Madlibs!! Click to listen! We Democrats shake our heads and those Republicans shake their fists because of this crazy old coot with his orange skin spout his kooky nonsense. Listen in to this patient talk about his last will and testament– Click the image! Donald J. Trump has steadily but surely gone barking mad. He’s […]
Listen!!–1,000 Trump voice clips make Trump “Badlibs”. Donald Trump is an idiot. Share the link!
We got our “Trump” to record over 1,000 voice clips so you can “call” and “speak to ” our “President” it’s an interactive audio experience [not not a phone call]. Click one of the links– Don insults Joe– Trump insults Joe Biden Or Don insults YOU. Convert the biden in this link–> http://www.calldonaldtrump.com/chap=spray&ml=5&tag=biden to… nyt […]
Get a job! Call Donald Trump to interview (MADlibs.)
I’ve set up https://calldonaldtrump.com so you can call and interact with our crazy President for free. Give it a try. Talk to Don and answer his mad questions. You might get a job in his MADministration or he might hang up on you, or he might fire you.
Weekend Work
Some people like to rummage in their garden shed, some people like to watch football, Donald Trump likes to fire officials on Saturdays–those people who have the temerity to disagree with him. So weak a man he is, he cannot brook any dissent. He must keep a little patchwork of post-it notes with sharpied haters’ […]
Mad Old Man
Trump looks increasing like an angry old guy wandering around yelling out– “Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow!” That was Shakespeare’s King Lear in 1606 when he was wandering around the moor in a storm, slowly going mad. Now we have a President sliding into full-scale senility in front of us and the […]